Tuesday, October 4, 2011

New Things Added

You might notice on the right side there are two new sidebars:

Items being sold,
Overtime of course new things will be posted whether it will be new things being sold, release dates or other crap that will be posted. I will post the things that are currently being sold. Of course if its been sold I will take it out of the listing. I will also be adding a hyperlink on the selected item so you can jump straight to the post to see the needed info you need to know about the shoe and its price.

Release Dates:
I think its self explanatory what this side bar will provide. It will provide release dates of certain shoes. Duh! Like on the items being sold if you select a shoe that is on the release date I will also add a hyperlink to that shoe if i have made the blog for it. Overtime I will add and take release dates as time passes. I will only post release dates of shoes if I know they are confirmed from many sources such as theshoegame, sneakernews, and many other sources I follow. Even thought they might have not have the date of the shoe I will still post it if its a confirmed release.

Thanks guys! Continue to support.

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